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Achtundacht (für Irene) [EightandEight (for Irene]

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Light and Sound Installation
Bahnhof Westkreuz
Stattmusik E 88 Berlin, European Cultural Capital, Berlin (DE)
Slideprojectors, color slides, loudspeakers, microphones, electronics, wood
dimensions variable

This installation was created as a part of the European Cultural Capital 1988 program in Berlin to happen on the abundannt railway station Westkreuz. 8 projectors were placed on 8 pedestals projecting 8 similar slides with abstract images onto 8 semi-transparent screens. The sound of the changes of the slides was amplified through loudspeakers in each of the pedestals. The projectors were steered by the means of a computer in such a way that the changes happened rhythmically. Between 2 slide changes big sounds travelled through the station through 8 large speakers in the same rhythm that was just heard before when the slides had changed.
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