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Echtzeit 24 [Realtime 24]

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Video installation 2003
Festival Schicht-Wechsel, Industrie Kultur Saar
Former mine in Göttelborn-Quierschied (DE)
Video monitors, satellite receiver, loudspeakers, wood

The so-called "Eindicker" in Göttelborn mine is a kind of funnel, a large, circular concrete construction with a funnel-shaped cover and no window. For the installation Echtzeit 24, 24 columns were erected in a circle. A television set and a loudspeaker were mounted in each of them. The picture tubes directed toward the wall, while the loudspeakers broadcast toward the middle of the room. Each television set received
a program from one of 24 European countries. The constant movement of the images created a constant colorful flickering on the wall, resembling the Northern Lights. Occasionally, the sound from one of the programs circled the audience in the room.
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