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FLAGS [Giant’s Causeway]

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Installation, 2012
Steel, Forex

The Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland

commisioned by Cultural Olympiad London 2012, Northern Ireland Tourist Board, Northern Ireland National Trust

The site of the Giant‘s Causeway is tremendously dramatic in its natural beauty and by that not to overwhelm by any human structure. For that reason the artist choose to create an artwork that would cover the neighboring bay of Port Noffer with its cliffs. This allows the visitors to first view the natural beauty of the original site of the Grand Causeway and after that, when continuing and looking around the corner of Aird Snout to discover another view, this time a men made product.
Since this is a site in nature, without electricity or any other artificial systems the decision was to create a work that is directly connected to nature without loosing the touch of a human intervention. 140 flags, each about 1 m by 1 m large, were placed randomly spread over the cliff of Port Noffer. The flags are on one side red and on the other yellow and they installed to turn easily with the wind. Depending on the strength and direction of the wind at the several spots in the bay and depending on the site of the visitor, the viewer saw either red, yellow or color changing spots, in any case they were active all the time, while keeping a natural pattern, since they were all moved by natural cause. Since the flags never stood still, the size of the color area is changing all the time, so it looked like they were blinking in a strange morse code, transmitting natures message.
Webdesigner Berlin