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SEEFAHRER DENK AN DIE SIRENEN AHOI (Sailor, mind the sirenes, ahoi !)
Installation, 2012
Seehafen Kiel (DE)

LED, Steel

This installation is situated on a small patch of wild beach in the middle of an industrial port on the east side of the Kiel Fjord. The 29 signs are an abstract version of the semaphore that is used by sailor to communicate from ship to ship when there is no radio communication. A sailor holds two small flags and places his arms in different directions. The lightsticks of the installation are the equivalents to the sailors arms. The sentence they present is: "Sailor, mind the sirenes, ahoi !" (actually without commas, these don't exist in semaphore)

Although they say that there is no island (or at least not anymore) with singing sirenes in the baltic sea, the bypasing sailor is reminded to watch out for tempting beautiful voices on the ocean as well as on land... one never knows!
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