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Fondacio Rafael Tous d'Art Contemporani Metrónom, Goethe Institut, Berlin grenzenlos, Barcelona
This work contains of three pieces in the three rooms of Metrónom.

This work contains of three pieces in the three rooms of Metrónom

Room 1: The large space was covered by a field of broken windowpanes. In this field 30 flourescent tubes and 16 loudspeakers were hidden. The glass tinted the light into a cold green. Short bits of sounds travelled from speaker to speaker at very high speed and created by thus a sound field within the space. The two other rooms are much smaller.

Room 2: A lightbox stood in the center of room 2. On the top of the box 5 slidefilms laid surrounded by black matte. Each film had only one long image which was photographed in a specific technique to give a distorted, red coloured long stretched picture of a street in Berlin. Traffic noises were played back through 4 speakers in the 4 corners of the room.

Room 3: A second wall was built into the third room with a window of frosted glass (2 m by 80 cm) which was lit by 40 flourescent tubes from behind. The tubes were covered with dark blue filter gel and thus poured dark blue light over the whole space. Short sharp mechanical sounds played back from 4 speakers in the corners of the room.
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